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en:handbuch_airlines:routensystem [2021/11/07 20:18]
gonzo [kinds of routes:]
en:handbuch_airlines:routensystem [2022/08/18 22:39] (current)
gonzo [kinds of routes:]
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   -    pax + cargo   -    pax + cargo
-**pax**+**Route type Pax:**
-With this route type only PAX are generated, both ECO and Business Paxes are generated, depending on the setting.+With this route type only paxes are generated, generated are ECO as well as Business pax, depending on the setting
 +A passenger terminal is required.
-**cargo**+**Route type Cargo:**
-Here only cargo is generated, 1 order is created for the intended aircraft. +Here only cargo is generated, 1 order is created for the designated aircraft. 
-This only works with aircraft that are declared as "cargo aircraft" in FTW and not with cargo configurations for passenger aircraft.+This only works with aircraft declared as "cargo aircraft" in FTW and not with cargo configurations for passenger aircraft
 +A cargo terminal is required. 
 +**Route type Pax + Cargo:** 
 +This route type generates ECO, business pax and cargo. The additional cargo that is generated is additional revenue. 
 +A passenger terminal is required.
-ECO, Business Paxes and Cargo are generated for this kind of route. The additional cargo that is generated is an additional revenue. 
 ===== route types ===== ===== route types =====
en/handbuch_airlines/routensystem.1636312707.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/11/07 20:18 by gonzo