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Good to know!

  • Please do not use time compression! This is not allowed in FTW.
  • If you are new to FTW, look for charter jobs or visit the job exchange to get lucrative jobs
  • There are no license restrictions in the job market. You may fly these jobs with a PPL-A license
  • If you want to fly higher licenses than PPL-A from the beginning, find an airline that can provide these planes (or found one ;-) )
  • Charter jobs cannot be deleted after they have been accepted. They must be fulfilled or they must expire on their own. If you reject a charter job, you will only be offered a new one after one hour.
  • There is no bank in FTW where you can borrow money. However, there are pilots and airlines that finance airplanes. Just ask in the forum!


Fuel consumption and “alternative aircraft” in the simulation

One thing first: FTW strongly advises not to use MSFS or modifications for it, the simulator is in an early stage and still has many problems and bugs. Among others wrong fuel consumption and sudden teleport.

Now to the actual topic:

FTW has such a wide range of aircraft for a reason. If you don't have a 777 in the sim, you should not fly missions with it in FTW. Use the machines that are available in the simulation. If you do, it is your responsibility to observe the flight values.

Please pay attention to your fuel consumption on all your flights (especially with MSFS), it should be about the same per hour as the fuel consumption in FTW. (small arrow next to the aircraft name in the hangar → fuel consumption, you can calculate your consumption by dividing the kilos used during the flight by the flight time, both can be seen in Yaacars).

You should also try to avoid exceeding the maximum TAS (also shown there) on average during your flight, this is considered an attempt to compress time, since the manufacturer's max TAS is a mandatory value. If you fly a flight simulator in a business simulation, we can expect you to pay attention to this. (The max TAS is briefly explained below, although this is a term you should be familiar with in a flight simulation, such as IAS, GS, ILS, and so on…)

If the values don't match when you use the right plane in the simulator, something seems to be wrong with your simulation. FTW did not make these values up out of thin air, they are taken from the manufacturers' POHs, comparison flights and averages from flights performed in FTW.

After several flights with wrong fuel consumption and too high TAS FTW checks the values from the flights. This has become necessary because lately (unintentionally and very often intentionally) too little fuel consumption has been used and machines with a much higher capacity have been flown in FTW than in the Sim. In the end this harms everyone, because consumption is a value that is used to calculate the payment for orders.

TAS: True airspeed (TAS) is the actual speed of an aircraft relative to the surrounding air. In the standard atmosphere at sea level and below 100 knots, TAS and IAS are almost equal. If the air density decreases (with increasing altitude or temperature) or the speed increases (increasing compression), the IAS is lower than the TAS.

First of all the aircraft moves through the air. So you could indicate how fast the plane moves relative to the air. This speed is called True Airspeed TAS and is shown on the Navigation Display (ND).

The True Airspeed cannot (yet) be measured directly, but is calculated indirectly from various measured values (dynamic pressure, static pressure, temperature). These calculations are quite complicated and are nowadays done by computer.

Maximum TAS: Manufacturer's specification, which states that the special pattern must not fly faster than this TAS. Among other things this is related to structural stability, more information about this can be found on the internet or POHs of the aircraft.

Simple rule: MAX TAS I don't have to exceed, at FTW we are so free to calculate the average TAS and compare it with the MAX TAS, so you have a very very large tolerance range.

I can't select a filling station when filling up

If you have selected a non-FTW-Oil station before, then sometimes you can't select the FTW-Oil station afterwards - the field is deactivated. This is a bug. Restarting the browser once (or logging out and logging in again?) should fix the problem.

No more fuel in the tanks

(Almost) all class 8 airports do not have a system filling station!

  • If there is a small amount of fuel left (which should almost always be the case), you can use it to go to the next bigger airport and refuel during a stopover.
  • If no gas station is available, the best and fastest way is to let the Systempilot Otto fly the distance to the next airport with a gas station.
  • Alternatively, you can open an FBO with gas station and have fuel delivered there.
  • You can also rent a 'fuel storage' at an '8er' airport (1€ per month), disadvantage, then you have to bring fuel barrels from your own gas station, it might be worth it if you fly a longer distance to an '8er' as a temporary storage.
  • (if you didn't cause your “fuel shortage” yourself, you can ask an admin for emergency refuelling in exceptional cases - however, we don't see this as our primary task to replace a flight planning not carried out by refuelling. Therefore it makes sense to *post the aircraft ID as well* to make it easier for us! :-) )
  • As an aid to finding airports with gas stations, the airport info is a good starting point.
  • Airport info → type in ICAO → “Airport can only be supplied from the air: YES” = NO fuel / “Airport can only be supplied from the air: NO” = fuel available.
  • Airports from Class 7 upwards almost always have gas stations, Class 8 can also have gas stations.
  • At the bottom of the airport info is a map with the nearest airports, there you can also see the class of the respective airports.

Too much fuel in the tanks

  • If you accidentally overfuelled your plane, it's no problem.
  • As long as the plane is yours, you can refuel it.
  • Simply enter a negative value at the filling station for the amount of fuel to be refueled, or a lower value than available when filling up to level X.
  • The gas station will even give you your money back.
  • If the machine is not yours, you must ask the owner or start an empty flight and burn fuel.

FTW does not know a certain flight model

New models can be reported with the corresponding key data in FTW-Forum - Aircraft-Administration to be added to the aircraft database. Remember to have one of the new airplanes placed at an airfield. This can be done in the same forum under 'Aircraft ordering'.

Newly added airplanes do not appear in the FTW hangar at the same time, only when they are ordered. In FTW under 'FTW-Hangar / SYS-Aircraft Master' there is a list of all airplanes contained in the system.

FTW does not know a certain airport

You can address questions about airport data in the FTW-Forum - Airport-Administration

Wrong destination airport entered in YAACARS / stopover

You didn't plan for the headwind or entered a wrong destination ICAO? It does not matter. FTW recognizes where your current location is after landing. You do not have to fly to the preset destination to land.

The data on the banner does not update

The banners are updated when you log out.

Despite the hours flown no update to new license

The license entitlements are updated when you log out.

The deposited image for the aircraft is wrong/old/bad

Send a new (self-made/rights-free!) screenshot to [email protected]

How can I leave an airline again?

On “Statistics”, then on “My Airlines”. There you can leave the corresponding airline by clicking on the X.

en/faq_oft_gestellte_fragen.1603809306.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/27 15:35 by gonzo