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Ideas and concepts

An airline costs time and money. Those who do not want to simply throw these resources out the window should first think about a concept and sound out the chances and possibilities. Initial questions can be:

  1. Which concept should be pursued with the airline?
  2. In which country or region should the company be located and are there any local peculiarities that should be considered?
  3. Are there already other airlines in the area that have a similar concept?
  4. Can I mobilise enough players/pilots?

If you already have a conclusive concept in mind, you would do well to put it in the form of a contribution to one of the forums. The FTW-Hangar of the FTW-Forum is best suited for this purpose.

This is the best way to find interested pilots who may even have similar goals and are looking for personnel.

en/handbuch_airlines/ideen_und_konzepte.1592489812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/18 16:16 by gonzo