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Hey there!

So, german is not your natural language? That's just fine for us :-)

We would love to deliver the documentation in any language, really, but there are some limitations, that makes it really hard for us to handle it!

  • The few people that are willing to write text can write well in german only
  • People for translating text are even harder to find (and harder to hold over time!)
  • If we do translations of the documentation, it's still very hard to keep the translation updated, also

Our current approach to face this:

  • the documentation will be written in german language only
  • non-german users shall try to “auto-translate” the wiki pages with “Google Translate”. There are plugins out here for most browsers! (or let know, if not ;-) )
  • if auto-translation is obviously wrong, please let us know. We are willing to change the german text to something that can be translated easily!
  • if there is the need (and one is willing) to translate wiki pages manually, then this can be also done. But this will need a person to translate and maintain these pages, so we will choose carefully when going down this road

If you have and thoughts or ideas to this, please let us know!

We want to find a way to provide good and up-to-date documentation for all users!

Cheers, Markus

translation_about.1562144273.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/03 10:57 by teddii