⇒ Pilotenhandbuch / Pilots manual
⇒ Airlinehandbuch / Airline manual
⇒ Luftrettung / Rescuemissions
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⇒ Pilotenhandbuch / Pilots manual
⇒ Airlinehandbuch / Airline manual
⇒ Luftrettung / Rescuemissions
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Almost everywhere where money can be spent in FTW for infrastructure objects or airplanes, there is also the possibility to set up a new cost center or to assign the acquired object to an existing one. The larger a company becomes, the more cost centers are needed to be able to view and evaluate individual areas separately. There is no patent recipe for the optimal number or distribution of cost centers. The more precisely an entrepreneur wants to observe and analyze the development of his company, the more finely the structure of the cost center system should be. In the following, we will use the example of a regional airline based in Paris to explain how to set up cost centers.
The managing director of this company has already invested some financial resources and would first like to know how many costs and revenues are generated by his infrastructure day by day. To do this, he first creates a cost centre for this purpose, whereby the filling stations are to be considered separately. This cost centre is then assigned to all objects that come into question, in this case FBOs, terminals, lounges and route objects. A further cost center is created for all aircraft, whereby these two essential areas are already separated from each other. The following graphics illustrate the function of cost centers once again.
Since the player can now create as many cost centers as he wants, he can of course refine the system to his own taste. Conceivable would be a cost centre for all petrol stations, cost centres for FBOs located in a certain country or within a network, etc. It is advisable to come up with a logical and above all comprehensible concept as early as possible. Once there are dozens of FBO objects and airplanes, the allocation of cost centers can become a lot of work.