⇒ Pilotenhandbuch / Pilots manual
⇒ Airlinehandbuch / Airline manual
⇒ Luftrettung / Rescuemissions
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⇒ Pilotenhandbuch / Pilots manual
⇒ Airlinehandbuch / Airline manual
⇒ Luftrettung / Rescuemissions
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Before an aircraft can be used for an airline, it must first be assigned to that airline. Although it is also possible to fly with a private or rented aircraft on behalf of an airline (including your own), certain options are not available.
First click on the “My Aircraft” button in the hangar to display your own stock. Then select the appropriate machine and click on the button “Aircraft settings “ to open the corresponding form.
In the second line you can now select the airline. In the hangar, the last column “Owner/Owner” now also shows the airline.
In addition to the airline, the home airport, the clearing account and a cost center can also be assigned to the aircraft at this point.
Further down, maximum rental time in minutes, rental price per hour, deposit and sales price can be defined.
In between there are three switches with which the use of the aircraft can be controlled and which therefore require special attention.
If the switch next to “Buy “ is set to “No”, nobody can buy the aircraft. It does not matter whether a sales price is entered or not.
With the button “Rent “ it can be controlled whether foreign pilots who do not belong to the own airline can rent the aircraft or not.
The third button, “Only airline orders allowed!”, is of interest for your own pilots. If it is set to “Yes”, neither standard jobs nor jobs from other airlines may be flown. This button is only available in the hangar of the airline!
In the dialog “Allowed pilots”, fixed pilots can be assigned to an aircraft. The aircraft is then not available to any other pilot. If this remains empty, any pilot of the airline can fly this aircraft.