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Order fuel

For a fuel station to fulfil its purpose, it needs fuel. This can be ordered by the player after he has rented one using a special form. The corresponding button with the drop symbol is located in the FBO Management area and only appears as soon as a filling station is selected in the list of rented FBO objects. For exactly these the order is then also carried out. Whether fuel is needed at all at present can also be found out immediately from this list. Simply click on the arrow in the first column. Thereupon a table is unfolded from which the fuel quantities, the selling prices and the currently valid purchasing prices for Jet A and AvGas can be taken.

It can be an advantage to buy in stock. Larger order quantities and longer delivery times make the fuel considerably cheaper. Besides, you never know how big and how thirsty the next bird that chirps past the gas station will be. A Boeing 767-300ER could easily drain the complete stock of fuel in the example above, if a longer journey is pending.

If you want to order via the order form, first select the type of fuel to be delivered. The list with various offers appears. At the top is the maximum order quantity, which corresponds to the remaining tank capacity. These include the stocks of Jet A and AvGas.

Important: If on delivery the ordered goods do not fit your tanks, the supplier will simply remove them without leaving a drop! So far there is no penalty for this.

Important: Payment is only made upon delivery of the fuel. Therefore, it should be urgently ensured that there are sufficient liquid funds in the clearing account indicated in the petrol station on the day of delivery! If the clearing account is not covered, the delivery is not executed and the order is cancelled. At the moment there are no further costs in this case.

Note: When private gas stations no longer stock a certain type of fuel, the pipeline of the omnipresent FTW Oil Company is simply tapped, but the company is well compensated for this fun.

en/handbuch_airlines/treibstoff_bestellen.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/18 15:51 by gonzo